I am....

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am not pretty, I am not rich, I am not genius, I am not good, I am just fine...^-^

Mari mengira pelawat

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last 3 years, aku countdown new year @ my birthday dengan mira, housemate aku. Last 2 years aku countdown dengan ex aku dan kawan2 dia dekat area rumah ni. Last year aku countdown dengan aida dan kak gee. But this year...aku countdown alone..hmmm..
posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, December 30, 2011

malang tak berbau

penatnya. minggu ni memang minggu yang memenatkan. dah la aku terjatuh depan starbuck, kaki terseliuh, lutut berdarah..hari ni document yang banyak kat ofis terjatuh atas kaki aku, berdarah lagi. adoi. dosa banyak sangat la ni. tinggal dua hari lagi sebelum new year. setiap kali new year aku jadi sedih. betapa aku tak sukakan new year!

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, November 27, 2011


It will takes a lot of efforts and sacrifices to do a transition. Once you have decided to do it, just do it...

My family and friends would be surprised if they know about my plan..but I am sure, they will be happy to know this.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Who is the real traitor??

Serious??!! My uncles have been killed by your peoples and you called them traitors??? Well, I am sure Karl Marx would call you a traitor too!! Wait, did Karl Marx know you????

Saturday, November 19, 2011

'I am okay' =)

I lost confidence. I feel upset, disappointed but I hide all the feeling with my ugly smile. I like to talk, I like to share my story with peoples but not my problems. I am damn stubborn. I always say, I am doing good. I will do things by myself. I don't like to be a burden or trouble to anyone. I always say, I am happy like this, I am okay with this and that.....

But actually, I am not okay..

Thursday, November 17, 2011



Siapa mahu gaduh dengan aku?

Aku selalu cakap aku tak suka gaduh dengan orang. So everytime pun kalau ada disagreement, aku akan diam, buat bodoh, atau mengalah. Actually, the main reason is, aku seorang yang darah gemuruh. Bila aku bergaduh dengan orang, jantung aku berdengup macam nak pecah, tangan aku menggigil, nafas aku tercungap. Insiden kat tempat kerja baru-baru ni buat aku terfikir..aku ada heart problem ke??

Ada seorang agent perempuan shelaka buat perangai setan dengan aku semalam. Aku beranikan diri membidas dia, tapi masa tu tangan aku menggigil-gigil sampai aku terpaksa sorokkan tangan aku bawah meja. Bukan sbb aku nk slap muka dia, tapi macam menggigil ketakutan. It's too obvious. Yeee, aku memang tak boleh bergaduh dengan sesiapa secara face to face (dalam sms boleh la..haha).

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Juadah berbuka aku hari ni..

Aku bukan pandai sangat masak ni, tapi aku suka memasak bila aku free. Aku suka cuba resepi baru atau pun reka resepi sendiri (bajet2 sedap la konon.) Aku tak suka sangat makan kat luar, so kalau ada bahan kat dapur, aku masak je dari makan kat luar tu..membazir... So kali ni entry aku nak share resepi masakan yg sempat aku snap pic nye..hehe...

1. Sup Petola

Aku suka makan petola. Sup ni aku reka sendiri. Dapat ilham dari masakan orang cham (nenek aku selalu masak makanan cham) cumanya nenek aku guna labu sayong,..aku guna petola, then aku modify la sikit2 ikut selera aku..hehe

Bahan-bahan (2-3 orang makan)
-bawang merah (3 biji ditumbuk)
-bawang putih (2 biji ditumbuk)
-separuh ikan kembung (goreng garing, pastu dikeluarkan isinya, pastu ditumbuk lumat)
-petola (separuh sahaja, tapi kalau nak makan ramai, guna sebatang terus)
-sedikit mi su'un..(ntah betul ke x aku eja ni...aku guna sikit je, tak sampai segenggam pun)
-sedikit garam dan serbuk perasa
-1 sudu teh black pepper (agak2 la, jangan penuh membukit plak sudu tu)
-1 cawan air (kalau nak kuah lagi banyak, tambah je air..ikut suka masing2 la)
-sedikit minyak untuk menumis

Tumis bawang merah n bawang putih sampai garing, then masukkan ikan kembung yang dah dilumatkan..kemudian masuk petola, kacau2, then black pepper, pastu masukkan air, last sekali masuk la garam dan serbuk perasa.. tunggu sup mendidih and petola masak...siappp!!!

2. Daging masak paprik

Yg ni bukan aku reka sendiri, kat kedai makan mana2 pun ada. Cumanya aku masak ikut comman sense la, dah beberapa kali rasa paprik kat luar, so boleh agak la tukang masak tu bubuh apa kan...

Bahan-bahan (2 orang makan)
-Daging (lebih kurang 100gram je, pasal makan 2 orang..agak2 je la..kalau makan ramai, bubuh la daging banyak)
-bawang merah (3 biji dihiris)
-bawang putih (2 biji dihiris)
-halia ( 1 inci dihiris)
-daun limau purut (3 helai pun cukup)
-1 sudu makan sos tiram
-1 sudu makan sos tomato
-2 sudu makan sos cili
-1 sudu makan cili boh
-sedikit air
-sedikir minyak untuk menumis
-garam dan sebuk perasa
-anak jagung
-lada besar

Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih sampai garing sikit, pastu masuk la cili boh..kacau2 kejap, baru la masuk daging, agak2 daging dah separuh masak tu, masuk la semua sos2 diatas tu..kacauuuuu, then masuk daun limau purut, masukkan air, dengan garam dan serbuk perasa sekali...tunggu sampai daging tu empuk sikit, baru la masuk sayur2..kacau2..tunggu sampai sayur masak ...siapppp (jangan lama sangat, nanti sayur lembik tak sedap)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Working saturday

I used to hate working on Saturday. But since I started working at GE, I couldn't believe I volunteer to work on Saturday..huhu

I don't like it, but I have to..  if I don't do it, I'll be in trouble because too much unfinished work at my workstation. Who's going to do it?? Hmm,.....me.. Yes, at the end of the day, I still have to do it. T_T

 I just came back from office. Tired like usual, and even more tired because of the warm weather.

Urghhh!!! Another 3 hours to go for breaking fast.... I plan to make seafood spaghetti and 'bubur kacang hijau' today...nyum nyum...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shelaka punya pompuan!

Aku makin jarang meng-update blog ni sebab aku sangat penat lately..Aku ada banyak story mory tapi sekarang aku dah lupa..

Minggu lepas, ada satu insiden kat tempat kerja yang agak memalukan aku. Aku dihantar oleh bos aku ke call centre for training purpose. They put me with a senior yang macam celaka perangainya. Aku buat silap masa jawab call customer. So that senior marah-marah. Aku terpaku, terkejut, tergamam, malu, sebak..mata aku dah bergenang tapi aku berjaya menahan la air mata aku.Huhu. Dalam keadaan yang dingin tu, aku buat percubaan berani mati yang mana, dia sebenarnya menyindir aku, tapi aku dengan rakusnya ketawa besar sebab aku fikir dia buat lawak. HAhahaHAhaha... T_T

So, bila balik ke workstation aku, team leader aku tanya la pasal training tu. Dengan tiba-tiba aku nangis, huwaaaaaa!!!!! Aduh, malu, malu, malu....dan cerita aku nangis ni sampai ke pengetahuan supervisor aku..malu, malu, malu....bukan apa. Aku risau orang fikir aku ni manja, kena marah sikit dah nangis. Arghhh!!! Hmm, I was expecting she will guide me. but...and that's why I was sad...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

bos, bagi la saya cuti lama...

Sejak akhir-akhir ni, hati aku meronta-ronta untuk ambil cuti lama. Masalahnya, bos aku nak bagi ke?? Aku rasa nak ambil unpaid leave, maybe dalam 2-3 bulan...hmmm...

Aku nak pergi menuntut ilmu. Aku dah lama berniat nak menuntut ilmu di 'satu' tempat yang mana aku rasa, kalau kawan-kawan aku dengar, a big question mark mesti muncul kat kepala.

Entah la, aku rasa bosan sangat life kat KL ni. Aku nak rehat, lari dari KL sekejap. Semoga Allah permudahkan jalanku dan niatku...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mr T, Miss L and Mr W.....

Dear Mr T, don't chase a girl like you are so desperate, be cool...if the girl like you, you don't have to work too hard to get her...but don't be too cool, you might lose her...once she turned away, she won't turn back to you...

Dear Miss L, don't chase a guy who are not interested with u...waste time...it's okay if he doesn't want you or doesn't like you..let him go, be patient because the right guy will come to you soon...

Dear Mr W, don't chase a girl who are not interested with you....waste time...but if you are smart, she will be yours...be comfort to her..be her 'rain'...

p/s: I'm trying to be Shakespeare..haha

Friday, July 8, 2011

I'm away

I'll be away during the YELLOW day.. I'm not trying to escape, but I didnt know it will be on tomorrow. Hopefully there will be no bad things happen in KL...who knows the 'gomen' will declare the curfew, it's better if I runaway from KL..hahahaha..be safe Malaysian =p

Monday, July 4, 2011

tembak tembak!!

Hari ni aku nk merepek...

Aku rasa nak tembak orang..kalau boleh nak tembak lubang hidung sampai rabak..tapi sian pulak, kalau takde lubang idung, macamana nak membentuk taik idung??

Orang kata penantian itu satu penyeksaan...lagi seksa bila yang kita tunggu itu sia-sia dan langsung tak mendatangkan hasil atau faedah..disaat itulah aku nak mencarut "NATE SUNGGUH!!!" T_T

(sesungguhnya mencarut dalam bahasa kelate sangat-sangat lah mendatangkan kelegaan..haha)

Pernah tak korang takut dgn bau kentut sndiri?? nak-nak lagi lepas makan durian...itulah yg aku rasa skrg.. T_T  (tolong jangan cakap aku pengotor, sbb aku jujur...hehe..orang yg pengotor adalah orang yg suka menipu)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Money matter

I am so desperate..I need money!! Hmm, no wonder laaa some peoples become a drug dealer just becoz they really really need money... Aarghhh!! life is damn tough. why? bcos we live in a capitalist world..Yes, we are the product of capitalism.. rich people will be richer and poor people will be poorer...and that's the reason why Karl Marx tried to change this world with socialism ideology..Hmm, now I agree with Karl Marx..we all should live in socialist society and everyone should suffer like North Korea people.. T_T (apa aku bebel ni, stress punya pasal, semua ideology dah keluar)


Kadang-kadang kita terpaksa guna bahasa kiasan sebab kita tak nak orang kecil hati. Actually, aku dah lama faham dengan maksud dia. He didnt want to hurt me, so he answer 'tak tahu' despite the fact that the answer is 'tak berminat'. Aku dah dewasa, aku dah biasa berhadapan dengan situasi begini. Apapun, asalkan aku tak menyusahkan hidup dia, aku dah rasa okay.

Cuma, aku tak nak orang salah faham dan kesian kat aku. Kononnya aku kena reject. huhu. Tapi aku malas nak explain. Biarlah, for what aku explain kat orang kan. keep quiet saja. it's better for everyone. Lagi banyak aku berkata-kata, lagi banyak orang akan salah anggap dan fikir bukan-bukan. So, yang penting aku aman damai dengan hidup aku, diam-diam sudah...muehehehehe...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

weekend with excitement...

Last weekend, aku jalan-jalan ke Melaka with kak ila, beah and family..best!!! last minute plan. malam sabtu aku dapat call dari beah ajak ke melaka. hampeh betul! aku lintang pukang basuh baju kerja..

Kawan-kawan yang lain, jangan kecil hati kalau kami tak ajak. ni family beah punya trip, aku tak ada kuasa veto untuk menambah bilangan penumpang kereta. hehehe...next time kita buat reunion..okay, aku sebenarnya sangat penat dan tak daya nak update panjang-panjang...nanti aku cerita panjang lagi...and we have a lot of pic to share..huhu

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Milik siapakah 'KAPAL SELAM' itu???

Actually, I am damn tired today..I didn't plan to update my blog until I saw something that really catch my eyes in the toilet just now...

This morning, in the early morning...I sang "Suwa SUWEY good morning" why?? sebab pagi-pagi lagi aku dah dapat suwey dari seorang agent..I had rejected his client's loan application at 1st because the signature in the agreement form was differ from our record. He was so upset. He said his client already changed signature b4. Okay, cut short the story, eventually, I approved the loan case. (someone didn't update the signature in the system and I was the one who has to telan all the sumpah seranah from him such as" I give all of you F***"..tsk,tsk,stk...!! I was about to shout at him back " then I give u SHI*!!!" but as usual, I only can smile at him..deng!! Okay talking about shit, I have something to share...

I saw kapal selam in the toilet...this is not my 1st time I see kapal selam in the mangkuk jamban dalam rumah ini..get what I mean?? why I call it kapal selam? because it's similar to kapal selam..deep in water...Haaaa!!! benda itu la...I don't know the kapal selam belong to whom. but..pleaseeeee, flush la b4 you leave the toilet...you dont have to share the kapal selam with everyone...haishhhh!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mari memasak

As usual, aku duduk kat rumah saja weekend macam ni. Aku memang lagi suka duduk kat rumah unless ada kawan yang mengajak aku keluar. Kalau aku yang nak ajak orang tu, memang payah la..hehe..so, hari ni tinggal aku dengan kak gee kat rumah. Dia demam. Aku pula buntu tak tahu nak masak apa untuk lunch. Aku selongkar fridge and dapat la idea..muehehehe...aku masak 'Bihun goreng tom yam'.

Aku bukan chef okay..but I think I can share my own recipe which I cook it based on my comman sense (dulu aku masak untuk adik-adik aku guna comman sense juga..alhamdulillah, sihat saja mereka semua)..haha..sedap tak sedap aku makan saja... =p

okay, ni ingredient nya...

**Bawang putih, bawang merah, serai(hiris halus), daun limau purut(hiris halus juga), cili padi**

**sawi, carrot, daun bawang(hiris halus)**

**aku guna chicken sausage sebab takde ayam or daging dalam fridge**

**ni bahan utama..hehehe..takde ni tak rasa la tom yam..aku bubuh seketul kiub saja**

***Additional ingredient : 1 sudu chili boh, 1 sudu oyster sauce, garam***

Okay, cara masak macam biasa la, tumis bawang, serai, cili padi, daun limau..then masuk cili boh and oyster sauce, tom yam kiub, garam...dah garing sikit, masuk air(sikit je)...then masuk sosej, sayur..last baru masuk bihun...kacau-kacau sesuka hati....pastu...siappp!!!

**memang messy, tapi kak gee kata sedap..huahuahua**

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grab your seats now!!!!

Huh!! I plan to visit  China this year and waiting for the Air Asia promotion. Since I subscribe newsletter  from Air Asia, I always get the latest news of their promotion. So, few days ago, I got an email from them and I was shocked.. WoooHooooo!! *O* (look at the pic)

I thought the all-in-fare ticket to Guangzhou only RM99!!!! So, I quickly call my adik to tell him about the super cheap promotion..and he spread the news to my aunt and cousins!! and he even went to make a passport on the next day. Hahahahaha..we were SOOOOO excited......then yesterday, I tried to book the ticket. Unfortunately, the price was different! Damn!! The super cheap ticket is for Bangkok trip (nate sungguh!) Nice trick Air Asia! Hohoho... T_T

So, I called my adik last nite to tell the sad news..but then we both laugh so hard! HAHAHAHA!!! since he already spread the news, we laugh harder..HAHAHAHA...cham people say "kelau khang tian". How naive I am to believe to the obvious tricky newsletter..my adik said, "you should know this earlier sis! I trust you" Hahaha..sorry dik.. =p

But, the plan is still on going...hehehe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Never goona be alone..

Huaargghh! penatnya hari ni..exhausted. Aku balik lewat tadi sebab ada short briefing tentang insuran after office hour (short ke kalau about 2hrs?) So, after briefing, aku cepat-cepat pergi solat asar sebab dah hampir maghrib... Keluar je dari surau, dah gelap pun langit. Selalunya kalau dah gelap, aku balik dengan teksi. Tapi hari ni aku memberanikan diri balik jalan kaki sebab nak jimat duit.

Sepanjang jalan tu, macam-macam suara lelaki-lelaki durjana yang menegur. Sebenarnya, aku sangat takut, jalan seorang diri dalam keadaan gelap. Bila aku sampai tempat sunyi, mulut aku dah laju baca pelbagai doa-doa harian. macam-macam aku fikir..kena rape la, kena rompak la, kena ragut la, kena culik la..haih!! Menyesal balik jalan kaki....

Sambil jalan tu, dalam keadaan ketakutan (seriously, it damn scary) aku sempat juga la termenung (ada ke jalan sambil termenung??), sebenarnya aku sudah penat jaga diri aku sendiri. 10 tahun aku tinggal kat KL, alone..independent.. Aku juga mahu dijaga..huahuahua... T_T

Tapi aku belum jumpa lelaki yang betul-betul ikhlas untuk menjaga aku. Aku belum jumpa lelaki yang betul-betul berusaha untuk memilki aku (cheewaaahh, puitis kan??) Mereka cuma sukakan aku, tapi tak usaha pun..(ada ke nak kahwin dengan aku, tapi awal-awal dah sebut nak buat loan dengan bank, hampeh betul!) lebih baik aku jaga diri sendiri dari kahwin dengan laki yang macam ni...gagagaga!!

p/s: tittle tu saja buat gempak..hehehe..becos i'm listenin' "never gonna be alone" by nickelback...hoho

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My little brothers..

For some reasons, I had to re-post this article in Malay..sikit la..

Aku rindu diorang sangat2..happynya (english pulak), dapat borak dengan diorang tadi..dan adikku yang kecik, Atim dah besar sekarang..hehe..suara dia dah berubah jadi garau..hahaha..b4 letak fon tadi, dia cakap "kaklong, topup RM3" Haih!!.

Aku tak pernah tunjuk yang aku sayang diorang..aku tak pernah cakap "kaklong sayang korang" jugak..sebab aku kaklong kot..hehe..

Aku ingat lagi, masa mula2 aku terpaksa pindah ke hostel, aku menangis teruk tiap2 malam..bukan sebab aku rindu kat makayah aku, tapi aku rindu sangat2 kat adik-adikku..kitaorang memang rapat sangat2..Aku dah biasa duduk jauh dengan makayah sebab kerja diorang banyak merantau...so, kitaorang sama2 jaga sesama sendiri...masa umur aku 16 tahun, aku dah kena jaga 7 orang adik dan bangun malam2 buat susu untuk adik bongsu aku..masa tu umur dia baru setahun, mak aku terpaksa pindah ke terengganu atas urussan kerja..hmmm, fikir je kat diorang, buat aku lagi rindu...

ada sekali tu, mak aku mengamuk and pukul Apih..kesian aku tengok Apih kena pukul, sebak gile..bila mak blah, aku cepat2 tarik Apih masuk bilik aku, bukak baju dia..lagi sedih aku sebab ada kesan lebam..aku ambil minyak panas then sapu kat badan dia sambil nangis.. ;'(

Diaorang semua dah besar sekarang..cepatnya masa berlalu..diaorang pun dah banyak berubah..tapi bagi aku, mereka tetap adik2 kecilku..hehehe.....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another test from Him...

Sudah 2 hari aku sakit kepala yang amat-amat teruk. Ubat yang doctor bagi tinggal sebiji sahaja. Dan kepala aku bertambah sakit bila mendengar cerita yang sangat-sangat menyakitkan dari rumah..Dugaan betul. The kid, he had no idea how much we love him.. Ya Allah, please save him..

senyum, tak perlu kata apa-apa...

Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others.
Aku senyum, senyum sampai telinga..orang-orang kat tempat kerja cakap.."you look so sweet, always smile" hmmm, dah memang kerja aku untuk senyum kat semua orang...tapi aku ni manusia, ada perasaan marah, geram, sedih macam orang lain juga..bila aku marah, aku lebih suka menyendiri dan diam..tapi ada orang fikir aku ni hati kering dan kepala batu dengan tindakan aku...ada orang cakap susah nak faham aku...kenapa?? sorry la, I'm not a person who like to pung pang pung pang bila marah..dan jangan fikir bila aku sentiasa senyum, maka aku sentiasa gembira...

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I notice the visitors are increasing day by day...it makes me a bit uneasy..I hope most of the visitors are my girl friends but a few strangers are welcome too. Well, I don't expect boy/guy friends (especially my ex-schoolmate /officemate) to be here unless I personally invite them. Yes, I create this blog because I need some private space to share my random thought..I am afraid that I will lose all the privacy like FB....sorry sorry sorry...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Aku nak makan apa?

Seumur hidup aku sepanjang 28 tahun ni, tak pernah pula aku ada allergic makanan. Sekarang doktor sudah mengisytiharkan bahawa aku allergic makanan. Dia suruh aku berhati-hati, but she didn't tell me what I can't eat..damn! Minggu ni semua benda yang aku makan dah menunjukkan tanda negative. telur, ikan, daging, sayur.. Then, aku nak makan apa??? Satu badan aku naik bintik merah. Satu badan aku gatal. tension!! bibir aku pun tengah bengkak sekarang..I feel like Angelina Jolie..hmmm... It's make me scare to eat... =( 
Huwaaa!!! Adakah ini tanda-tanda penuaan?? 

Macam bibir alien kan? =(

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Semalam aku tengok movie dengan my brothers and my sis-in law a.k.a mekna..hehehe...aku dengan murah hati belanja mereka semua sebab aku seronok boleh jumpa adik-adikku..it's hard to be a good sister dowh =p

Okay, talk about the movie.. I watched X-Men 1st class..truly speaking, this x-men is not so good compare to other x-men series (actually it is better than' x-men the last stand' because they killed professor x ..T_T)...but I still like it!!..I am a die hard fan of x-men.. when I was a kid, I feel like the world sudah berakhir if I miss to watch x-men (cartoon) which was on Thursday at 7pm... I love Rouge. I really like the white highlighted color on her hair...( Oh, now I know why I have 3 urat white hair kat depan ni..exactly sama macam Roque!!!) All my brothers also have their own favorite character.. My bro, Fauzi - Cyclops, Fahmi - Gambit, Fikri - Storm and Apih - Beast (actually I chose beast for him since he was too little and didn't know anything about x-men, but I still want Apih to get into the x-men wanna be team..HAHAHAHA!!)

Well for x-men lovers, go and watch it!! Recommended!! At least you will know the beginning of the Mutant school (I always want to go to the school too!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Never argue with your boss especially when your boss shoot u with M16

I am damn tired today..but I have something to share.....

This morning, I was called by my boss to her room. There were some issues that she want to clarify with me.. Last two month, I made mistake in which I gave a wrong form to a customer. I was suppose to give a 'lost policy' form, but I gave her a 'lost cheque' form. Again..my weakness, a super clumsy makcik!! huhu..Okay, to cut short the story, this matter become a big issue when my boss heard about it from the Quality Assurance Officer. (giving a wrong form is a serious matter because it involve with the customer's financial)
So, this morning, I started my day at work in my boss's room together with my team leader, the QA officer and one of my co-worker (she also need to explain something to my boss)

So the conversation start with me...bla, bla, bla...

My boss stared at me with her M16 and pung pang pung pang she shoot me..non-stop.. T_T.... (you are free to imagine the situation)..I tried to defend myself with M16 too, but end up with 'Lastik' only ..tsk,tsk,tsk...then, when I have chance to use M16, she shoot me with AK-47...grrr!!!

So, I gave up to defend myself...never never argue with your boss...but what's the point she want to hear explanation from me if whatever I said is wrong to her..hmmm.. Okay, I admit...that was my mistake...but the most silly mistake is when she told me one of our customer complaint about me on the issue of language. The customer complaint about me just because I speak Bahasa with him..OH MY GOD!!!!! It sounds like a small matter, but my boss said, she can't accept that kind of complaint. It's very embarrassing and ruin the image of our company... Okay, fine..Boss and customer are always right!! I am super sorry...

Well, I always start the conversation with customers and agents in English...but sometimes I switch into Bahasa in the middle of the conversation...why?? Because I am more comfortable to explain in Bahasa..but I never expect the customer will complaint about this kind of thing...to the customer, if you hate Bahasa, don't live in Malaysia lah!! Go somewhere else!! I am not a Malay, but I still like Bahasa even though Bahasa is not my mother-tongue...

So, before the 'discussion' end, my boss want me to give some comments, and before I open my mouth, she said "In English, please" OH MY GOD!!! sound trouble ke??? I use English for the whole discussion...so sarcastic!! but I feel pity to my team leader..she tried her best to defend me and my co-worker..

Hmmm, whatever it is, I have done the mistake but that won't let me down..because this afternoon, an agent gave a very good compliment about me to my team leader. He satisfied with my services....puas hati aku...it would be nicer if my boss hear it!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I am not smart to buy a smart phone...huuuaaaaaa!!!

I just bought a new phone. It's a smart phone. Damn..I think I made a wrong decision and too afraid to tell anyone about this. They might say, "why don't you ask someone expert or do some research before you buy it??!!" Okay, okay.. I am wrong...

Last few weeks, I was out with my brother to buy DVD and I wanted to survey smart phone too but I didn't have any intention to buy it yet actually..just want to do some survey...surveeeyyyy...

I stopped at a smart phone booth in the mall and HTC desire and Sony Ericson Xperia catch my eyes.. There are many smart phones there and looked like they were waving and jumping and saying "buy me, buy me, buy meeeeee!!! T_T

But then, the salesman promoted a new smart phone which I never see/hear before. It's Acer Liquid Metal!!

He keep talking and talking and made me sooo confuse. I have no intention to buy but then slowly my mind changed "yea, why don't I buy it today, sooner or later, I'll buy it too.."

Just because I feel pity to the salesman (who keep talking and talking), so I decide to buy it. I spent RM1000++ for the phone. Damn!!! I really hope to hear a good respond from friends about this phone...

This is one of my weaknesses.... I am easily feel pity to people..and this is not my first time I buy something just because I feel pity to the salesman/woman..Arrrrghhhhh!!!!!

What's on my mind today??

It's kind of weird when you never see or meet the person, but you can't stop thinking about the person. So pelik kan?? Dan paling yang kita tak sangka bila satu hari nanti kita boleh membenci orang yang pernah kita sayang. Berbicara tentang cinta, aku bukanlah orang yang expert dalam hal ni. sebab aku sendiri pun adalah mangsa kepada cinta. 

Apa beza antara kita sayangkan someone sincerely dengan sayangkan someone with passion?? Personally, pada aku, bila kita sayangkan someone sincerely, we will always want that person to be happier than us and the last thing we want to see is to make the person sad. Maknanya kita lebih pentingkan kebahagiaan dia dari kebahagiaan kita sendiri. Tapi kalau kita sayangkan someone with passion, we tend to be selfish. Selalunya kita akan rasa terlalu takut untuk kehilangan dia, dan tanpa memikirkan perasaan dia, dengan tidak sengaja, kita push dia untuk berada disisi kita.

So, which one is better??  Aku seorang yang cepat mengalah. Walaupun aku betul-betul sukakan sesuatu, tapi bila aku rasa jalan untuk dapatkannya terlalu sukar dan tidak memihak pada aku, aku akan lepaskannya...

Apapun, aku masih lagi okay dengan hidup aku..walaupun aku tak peroleh cinta sebenar dari manusia, aku akan berusaha memiliki cinta dari Tuhan yang esa... =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A chicken story

 Farmer Jim lived on a quiet rural highway.  But, as time went by, the
 traffic slowly built up at an alarming rate The traffic was so heavy and
 so fast that his chickens
 were being run over at a rate of three to six a day.

  So one day Farmer Jim called the sheriff's office and said, "You've got
 to do something about all of these people driving so fast and killing all
 of my chickens."

 "What do you want me to do?" asked the sheriff.
 "I don't care, just do something about those crazy drivers!"
 So the next day he had the county workers go out and erected a sign that
 Three days later Farmer Jim called the sheriff and said, "You've got to do
 something about these drivers. The 'school crossing' sign seems to make
 them go even faster."
 So, again, the sheriff sends out the county workers and they put up a new

 That really sped them up. So Farmer Jim called and called and called every
 day for three weeks.  Finally, he asked the sheriff,
 "Your signs are doing no good. Can I put up my own sign?"
 The sheriff told him: "Sure thing, put up your own sign."
 He was going to let Farmer Jim do just about anything in order to get him
 to stop calling everyday to complain.

 The sheriff got no more calls from Farmer Jim. Three weeks later,
 curiosity got the best of the Sheriff and he decided to give Farmer Jim a
 "How's the problem with those drivers.  Did you put up your sign?"
 "Oh, I sure did. And not one chicken has been killed since then. I've got
 to go. I'm very busy."  He hung up the phone.
 The sheriff was really curious now and he thought to himself:
 "I'd better go out there and take a look at that sign. It might be
 something that WE could use to slow down drivers."

 So the sheriff drove out to Farmer Jim's house, and his jaw dropped the
 moment he saw the sign.  It was spray painted on a sheet of wood:


 Go slow.
 And watch out for chicks!


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hari untuk berpeluh!

I don't like to play sport actually, but I have to play netball yesterday and it was super awesome!! I don't know that sport is really fun..

It's one of the team building activities organized by my department and compulsory to participate. So I have no choice la.. I told the committee that I never play netball, but they said "just play for fun, don't take the game too serious.." so, I played...

And....my team got 2nd place for the game..huyeeeee!!! hopefully they will organize more and more games after this...

Friday, May 20, 2011


So the loser call me ANDARTU?? He think that he can hurt me by calling me that?? Haha, such a loser.. If I really mind about being old maid, I would marry with any guy that my mom proposed before.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


All peoples have dreams right? So do I. I have a lot of things that I want but I know we can't get all what we want.

Actually, I'm a bit disappointed with myself. I am almost 30 but I still can't do what I really really want. I keep changing job. Most of my friends already have a stable life at my age. I am still looking something that can make me happy and enjoy. I'm not saying my work now is bad. It's good but I'm not enjoy it. I do it for the sake of ...emmm, money I guess. because if I'm not working, I'm out of money. hehe..and I'm not a person who will call family or friends when I need money (that will be my last resort).
This thing really bothers me. It demotivate me to go to work.

So, what is my dream...hmmm.....
There are a few things that really make me happy when I see it. Guess what??? hehehehe...

Cakes, cookies and baking equipment!!!  

Why?? I also don't know why...since I was a kid, in primary school.. I like to play with flour, butter, egg.. when my mother is not a round, I will steal these things, mix them and adding whatever available in the kitchen, to make cookies..and the funniest thing, I fried the cookies instead of bake it..bhahahahaha..because we didn't have an oven back then. So the taste was like...emmm, if you give them to stray dogs/cats, they might prefer to starve until die rather than eat the cookies..and if you throw the cookies on the mirror, it will crack too..gagagagaga!!! Even though my cookies was so baaaad, but I enjoyed doing it.

I don't know how to make  good cake and cookie because my mother don't know either. She can't teach me.
But, last time, I made cookies for hari raya. All my aunts and neighbors said the cookies were tasty and good. *wink wink*..hehehe..

So, I wish, someday..I own a bakery shop..Even though I don't have the skill to make good cakes and cookies, but that can be learned, it's not a problem. That is why I really want to join bakery class. But for the time being, I can't until I have my own house, it's would be easier. Sharing a house with strangers are soooo uncomfortable. My new housemates are not so friendly like my previous housemates =(

Okay, enough for today..here is a picture of a steamed choc cake that I made for my friends..not so good, but ok la..hehe...till nex time.. ^_^

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mumble, rumble...

Haiyak..just now when I was in bathroom, I have a lot of idea to write..now when I'm in front of my lappy, I am so blur...do I have to go back to bathroom or maybe next time I have to bring along notes so that I can jot down whatever come across my minds or maaaaaybeeeee I can pretend that I am in bathroom now..ngeh ngeh ngeh.... =p

Tomorrow is cuti..huyeeeeyyy!!!! Actually it's not a good thing because I have a loooooot of works that I still can't finish..but I really want cuti..huhu..

Hmm, I not an active blogger. I only update my blog when I have nothing to do or I am too bored or I have an idea to write or or or ??? I also don't know......

I know this is not an interesting blog..I dont think people like to read it but I still appreciate for those who visit my blog even though I know most of visitor are accidentally open this blog and after that never come back again....bhahahaha!!

Why most of the time I use English instead of Bahasa here? Some of the Malaysian might say "hek eleeeee, poyo gile minah ni, perasan cakap english pulak" Well, I use broken English. So what?? This is the only way I can improve my writing skill (for the time being la). I haven't use much English after I graduated from school. Yes, I use English at my work because all the documents are in English but I still don't write much..

Okay, enough about that..to be continued.....

Monday is back..shuhh!!shuhhhh!!!!!

I'm listening to 'A year without rain' by Selena Gomez. I'm not her fan but I have to admit that she is sooo cute (like me..muwahaha!) 

Monday is back. huh!! No mood to go to work at all. Friday, please come faster..pleaseeeee...
*dancing mode..just like Selena Gomez in A year without rain* (oh come on Selena..Bieber definitely is not my taste)

Yeaaa, before I lose my mind, I better go to bed..

 "It's like a year without rainnnnn..woooo woooooo woooooooo"

till nex time =)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No title

It would be really nice if I have someone beside me to talk to right now. But I always end up talking with my laptop, pretend like it is listening and responding to what I say. I dont know why I'm fooling myself like this. Few days ago, I had a conversation with a guy in my office. He asked me if I ever hurt any guy before. yeaa, I did. So, he said..that's why I cant be happy. I agreed. But should they put all the blame on me alone? They think that I am happy everytime I break someone's feeling. They dont know, how bad I feel about it. Sometimes, they make me hate myself.

How I wish, when I open my eyes the next day, I will lose my mind..that I cant remember anything..forget everything...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

When u fall in love...

You fall in love with someone,
As a result, you come to hate yourself,
If this the case,  this someone is not meant for you,
This someone is not your destiny....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The ending of Tasik Titiwangsa story.....

Today, I went to Aida's wedding with Tina and hubby, Faiz at Pekan Pahang. It took about 3 hours to reach there..soooo tired...but I'm sure, Faiz was more tired since he drove the car..hehe

I don't know how to describe my feeling...I live in this house since Nov 2008...and I have a few homies that I really close like Mira, Tina, Raihan,Yana, Ruhi and Aida..

When Mira left this house, I'm not really sad because I still have Yana and Tina around..same goes when Yana and Tina left, I still have Aida...but when Aida left, I am a bit sad and empty because I have nobody to talk anymore in this house..Well, I have another 2 new homies, but I'm not close to them and 1 one them is a new tension..haha..ok2, forget bout the new tension...leave her...

Aida is one of my best homies...and today when I see her smiling in her beautiful wedding dress, I am so happy...finally, after faced a lot of pressures and arguments, plus the tasik titiwangsa drama, now she's officially married to Mr Policeman, Fakur..hehehehe..Congratulation dear..May Allah bless your marriage till the end...be a good wife ok!!! =)

Makan makan makan....

Garangnya Mr.Polis a.k.a Gemuk
Beautiful newlywed

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If I could turn back time....

Things that I really miss...

1. Flashman, Sailormoon, Mearo attack...

2. Snoring in Arabic class with my desk partner, Ruhma...=p

3. Pacifier..

4. Naik beca ke tadika...nostalgia betul..

5. Ketiow sup depan rumah Walong Fiah kat Ulu Tiram....T_T

6. to be continued....

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The big IF....

I have many questions on my mind, yet I still can't find the answer and sometimes I'm not sure if I've made a right decision...peoples who love shopping sure know how to decide because shopping is about making decision...I don't like shopping, that's why I can't be a good decider..

Most of the time, I feel regret after I decide. The past keep bothering me...I always have the big "IF.." on my mind...it reminds me on a Gwyneth Paltrow old movie "Sliding Door". It wasn't a good movie but I still like the storyline. It's about a woman who missed a train and the big "if" start from the train station. What "if" she doesn't miss the train? So, the movie got two storyline and two ending..and it happens differently.The ending would end up like this "if" she doesn't miss the train but it might turn to the other ending "if" she miss the train...hmmm....complicated right?? So, u won't be able to understand the whole movie if u don't watch it from the beginning.. (I'm not promoting the movie ok!) =p

I think, the script writer and me can be a good friend. We share the same idea of the "if" matter..haha

Well, maybe I'm still not matured enough... I want to talk to somebody but I always think that I don't deserve their attention or concern. Why?? Because I always hurt people who love me...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Champa oh Champa...

Champa?? Apa tu? Orang apa? Tak pernah dengar pun...

Yep, yep...peoples always question that...most people don't know us..sedangkan orang champa dah lama wujud kat dunia ni..lebih lama dari orang melayu...orang tidak kenal kami kerana negara Champa sudah hilang dari peta dunia.....

Aku bukan nak bercerita siapa yang lebih lama wujud, cuma aku nak bercakap siapa kami yang mana orang memang selalu salah faham menganggap kami sebagai orang Kemboja...

Kemboja itu nama sebuah negara, bukannya nama bangsa. Sama la seperti orang Cina, India yang duduk Malaysia, kalau pergi ke oversea, they will say "I'm Malaysian"....so, orang2 Champa yang berhijrah sebelum ni, like my parents...they also say "Saya orang kemboja" because they were born there.....Orang Kemboja pure adalah bangsa Khmer...same case with Cham people who lived at Vietnam, they will say "I am Vietnamese"...

Actually, we don't have our own country...satu2 nya bangsa yang tak ada negara, yang terpaksa duduk menumpang di negara lain...well, we used to have our own land..tapi atas sebab2 politik dulu2, we lost our motherland..too sad kan...sampai sekarang, anak cucu cicit bangsa Champa menumpang dan menjadi bangsa minoriti di negara2 lain seluruh dunia..sebab itu la aku ada saudara mara yang duduk US, Canada,Thailand, Vietnam, Kemboja...merata-rata...

Tanah asal Champa sebenarnya ada kat Vietnam...kerajaan Vietnam dulu2 rampas tanah kami dan mengusir orang2 Champa keluar dari sana...sama seperti kes Palestin la...yang ada di Vietnam sekarang cuma lah Museum Champa yang di bina untuk memelihara sejarah dan budaya Champa oleh kerajaan Vietnam...maybe diorang rasa bersalah sebab dah rampas tanah kami kan...huhuhu...

Orang salah anggap orang Champa ni adalah orang Kemboja kerana salah orang orang Champa itu sendiri...salah aku jugak...masa kecil2 bila orang tanya , "awak orang apa?" dengan konfiden aku cakap "saya orang Kemboja"...sebabnya makayah aku cakap macam tu...lagipun, kalau aku cakap aku orang Champa, semua orang tak tahu...itu yang aku malas nak explain, so senang cerita...cakap je la orang Kemboja...

Tapi bila aku dah besar2 ni, baru aku sedar..kerana kesilapan orang Champa yang tidak cuba mempertahankan bangsa kami sendiri lah, bangsa Champa semakin hari semakin dilupakan dan tak mustahil suatu hari nanti, pupus.....

Aku sayangkan bangsaku...aku tak nak Champa pupus, cukup la negara kami hilang dari peta dunia, jangan orang champa pun hilang sekali..... 

kat bawah ni entry lama aku kat blog lama..hehehe..aku copy paste masuk sini je la..

Someone has asked me to talk about Champa. I'm sure, the majority of u wouldn't know what Champa is. Champa is an ethnic group originally from the Southern Vietnam . Actually, I don't know much bout Champa history..

Previously, there was a kingdom called the Kingdom of Champa, but due to some conflicts with Vietnam, Cham people lost the land.  I'm not sure which century this happenned. So, if u look at a world map nowadays, there is no longer a Kingdom of Champa shown. That's why the new generation doesnt know about it unless they have studied austronesian history. 

My parents used to live in Cambodia but they migrated to Malaysia in the early 80's. I was born in Malaysia. So, when people ask me, where are u from? (my look makes people get confused lol) , I dont know how to describe myself. If I say, I'm Cambodian, it's not true, becoz, I never lived there and I also dont know the cambodian language and I'm also not Khmer. But on my birth certificate, it is written 'khmer' which is totally wrong. My father went to the registration office to correct it, but they said, there is no Champa in the system.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog apa ni??

Aku create blog ni sebagai tempat untuk meluahkan apa yang aku rasa.. what's on my mind, so i'll write it here...rather than i post all on fb, it's better if i have a place that is more private to do that. Fb is too obvious for everyone. They are my friends but I dont want to share everything with everyone on Fb...

Aku tak hias blog ni cantik2 sebab bukan tujuan aku untuk menarik perhatian orang ramai untuk follow blog ni...buat masa sekarang, aku ada 3 followers...angka yang bagus jika nak dibandingkan dengan list kawan2 aku yang kat fb..it's over 400 now...no more privacy...haha..kepada 3 orang itu, terima kasih sebab sudi nak menapak kat sini...

Aku bukan penulis yang bagus..memang semua post aku pun membosankan...tp macam aku cakap tadi la, aku cuma create blog ni sebagai tempat untuk melepaskan semua benda yang ada dalam kepala aku...blog ni lebih kurang macam jurnal la...kalau nak kata diari tu macam tak kena pulak...diari kita takkan bagi orang baca...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Malam untuk menggaru kepala....

Sebenarnya, aku tak suka sangat bercerita tentang soal jodoh ke bf ke kahwin ke..tapi hari ni aku terasa nak bercakap2 pasal ni pulak..bukan sebab aku desperate nak bf/kahwin..cumanye petang tadi, ada someone tanya soalan yang membuatkan aku termenung seketika...soalannya simple "Akak tak risau ke umur akak dah 28 tapi akak tak kahwin lagi" dushh!!! terasa seperti lubang hidung aku ditumbuk oleh spongebob dan terbayang2 spongebob gelak kat aku...

Hmmm...budak yang bertanya tu perempuan yang berumur 23..sangat muda...tapi kelakar, dia asyik mengeluh risau takut dia kahwin lambat..rasa nak sekeh je die...hahaha..young girl, wake up la!!!!

Yes, marriage used to be my priority... tapi sekarang,keinginan untuk kahwin tu jauh sangat dari hati aku..
Oh well, tipu la kalau aku kata aku tak risau jadi old maid kan..tapi bukan soal tu yang menjadi keutamaan aku..ada perkara lain yang lebih aku risaukan...walaupun aku ni bukanlah kategori wanita solehah, gadis baik, anak yang taat..tapi serius, aku memang selalu risaukan amalan2 dan perbuatan2/ dosa pahala yang aku dapat selama ni...**mode ustazah** (diiringi lagu2 nasyid dari kumpulan raihan....)

aku perempuan yang normal..ada naluri ingin berkeluarga, ada anak, ada suami..cumanya setelah beberapa kali aku fail dalam mencari pasangan (gile skema ko berkata2 malam ni), ada sedikit rasa takut nak mencari lagi...aku penat bercinta, dah la menambah dosa, pastu apa pun takde...aku cakap macam ni bukan sebab aku takde bf, tapi sebab kan pengalaman yang lepas2 tu buat aku rasa bosan..so, aku decide, biar je jodoh tu datang sendiri sebab aku percaya, Allah dah tetapkan seseorang untuk aku, cuma lambat sikit je dia nak muncul..lagipun semua yang jadi ada hikmahnya...postive positive...

Lagipun, the truth is, aku masih lagi sukakan someone...sebabkan feeling tu masih ada, sukar aku nak terima laki lain......so, sekali lagi aku decide...biarlah feeling tu pergi dengan sendiri because it came naturally too...betul tak? it's all bout times....dan kalau aku dengan dia ada jodoh, takkan kemana jugak..jadi aku tak nak kusut2 kan kepala aku...benda2 macam ni tak payah nak push2...cumanya sesetangah orang tu dia tak faham, asyik2 bertanya benda yang sama kat aku...

Lagipun aku selesa dengan hidup aku sekarang...single is golden what!! hehehehe...aku dah biasa hidup berdikari..so, aku takde masalah nak jaga diri sendiri...

aku ni dah immune dengan soalan2 seperti  "kenapa single lagi?bila nak kahwin?ko ni picky sangat kot..." macam2 la....kelakar la manusia ni...they wont stop asking you...so, dont let those questions bother you...live on your own way... Cheer up!! =p

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tired laaaa

Today was a super hectic day. I am totally exhausted + stress. Feel like wanna cry...The worst thing is, when I am so down and stress like this, I have nobody besides me..come back at home and the room looks so empty....but I'm too tired to cry now...I'll be okay later, like always!!! Smile and cheer up!!! Keep on moving ...na na na na~~~

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Yeah!! I drive..whohoooo!!!!

I got my driving license 10 years ago but never drive alone.haha..and today, for the 1st time, I drive... in KL..hahahahahahaha...I am proud of myself..ok ok..I know it's too normal and nothing is so special bout this..but I am still considering this is one of my biggest achievement...for this year la kot   ahaks! But I need to drive more and more to get familiar with the pedal, clutch and gear..it's a manual car ok..it's not easy for me..Macam tak percaya pun ada...orang yang rapat dengan aku tahu la macamana takutnya aku untuk drive...hehe

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My passion...

Oh, macam mak lampir....

Ini my friend's punya daughter...tapi tak jadi sangat..

Add caption
Ini my friend, Chom....lama sangat2 tak melukis...I need to draw more to sharpen my skill..hehe

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's 2011 =D

Alhamdulillah..we are in 2011 now...a new year begin..well, I really hope this year will be a fantastic/wonderful year for me...too much tears on 2010..huhuhuhu...

So hard to believe that I am 28 this year..hahahaha...still childish..I guess, I enjoyed my life too much.. =p So, it's time to be more serious about life now..

Thinking about my life, I don't have any GREAT achievement to be proud..except completed my degree. That's all. Hmmm...I have so many things that I want to do..but I am stuck with my responsibility as the only beloved daughter..hoho.. too sad that I don't have freedom at the age of 28 ..*sigh*...

Okay, I shouldn't think about it too much..I will do my best to live..muwahaha... InshaAllah, at the end of the day, things will work for me as I wish... =)