Oh my...lama gile ah ding dong aku x update blog ni. lepas aku terminate broadband tahun lepas, mmg jarang la aku online dgn laptop aku. Pakai phone je skrg. Zaman dah canggih kan. Pegi mana2 pun boleh online, tp nk update blog dgn phone mmg payah la skit. xde feel babe!
Seperti biasa, sesi bercakap dgn diri sendiri...
Kurang dari 2 bulan, dah nk masuk tahun baru. Huwaaaa, maknanye umur aku makin tua la. Pastu pejam celik pejam celik, dah jd warga emas..hot kau!!
Aku baru je resign. Sbbnye plan nk cari keje kt kg, duk ngan mak ayah. Aku bosan duk sorang2 kt kl ni. Bila aku bgtau kawan2 aku, dorang suh la aku cari boypren. hehehe. Kalau aku nk boypren, agaknye aku xde la single cam skrg (perasan siuttt!)
Aku mmg xde hati dah nk couple lg. Lgpun bila dah lama single, mcm selesa plak.Tapi tipu la aku aku cakap x sunyi. Sunyi mmg sunyi tp aku rasa xde la sampai depress. Alhamdulillah, aku masih lg okay dengan keadaan aku skrg. Aku dah give up. Ada rasa trauma skit dgn pengalaman lepas. So, jika diijinkan Allah, kalau dah jumpa yg suka sama suka, suh je itu boy jumpa makyah aku...no couple2 lg..kalau dah couple nnt, ade la setan menghasut nk wat benda2 x elok..aku ni normal Eton oi.. ahahaha...T_T
Ok berbalik dengan cerita aku dah resign tu, aku x sure kalau aku boleh duk kt kg mcm dulu2. Yela, dah 10 tahun aku duk KL. dah biasa kt sni. tibe2 balik sana tanam padi...weng jgk la kan kepala aku...huhu..xde2, makyah aku wat bisnes, xtanam padi. igtnye nk tolong mak aku run kedai dia, tp mak aku cakap makan gaji lg senang, x sakit kepala...hmmmm....
So, aku nk balik kg dulu tgk keadaan. kalau rasa x ok, aku cabut lari balik KL. tinggal je dgn adik aku senang...hehehe..

I am....

- Miss FS
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- I am not pretty, I am not rich, I am not genius, I am not good, I am just fine...^-^
Mari mengira pelawat
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
I am...
Dear blog...
I really don't know how to describe my feeling now.
Like something is missing...but I'm not sure what...
Its not a good feeling.
And for some reasons..I feel a bit sad, upset...I want to cry..but there is no tears...
Dear blog..
I know you wont answer me..
But I really need someone to talk to now...
I don't need a commentator..I just need a listener...
I really don't know how to describe my feeling now.
Like something is missing...but I'm not sure what...
Its not a good feeling.
And for some reasons..I feel a bit sad, upset...I want to cry..but there is no tears...
Dear blog..
I know you wont answer me..
But I really need someone to talk to now...
I don't need a commentator..I just need a listener...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
**ustazah mode**
This is my first entry for 2012, I know it has been awhile..
I am still alive, Alhamdulillah.. =)
But I am not feeling well..I had flu and cough, grrrr!!
Well, let start something for this year...okay, I know it's already March..am I missing out here? Hehe..
I have been thinking a lot recently...muhasabah diri in other word..
The ultimate goal for Muslim is Jannah and too bad I am still far from it. =(
But, I am so grateful to Allah that He always guide me to think and give me strength to be a better Muslim. I am not good, but I always want and try to be a good Muslim..I did a lot of mistakes, so when the thing didnt turn out like what I've planned, I only can blame myself and thank to Allah as He always give the reminder to me. He lead me, He guide me. Well, there must be a reason for whatever happened and I am sure Allah has a better plan for me...I pray to Allah that He will keep guiding me...
Everyone make mistake, we are not perfect. But don't use that as an excuse to make mistake. We all should do our best. Allah is forgiven =)
I am still alive, Alhamdulillah.. =)
But I am not feeling well..I had flu and cough, grrrr!!
Well, let start something for this year...okay, I know it's already March..am I missing out here? Hehe..
I have been thinking a lot recently...muhasabah diri in other word..
The ultimate goal for Muslim is Jannah and too bad I am still far from it. =(
But, I am so grateful to Allah that He always guide me to think and give me strength to be a better Muslim. I am not good, but I always want and try to be a good Muslim..I did a lot of mistakes, so when the thing didnt turn out like what I've planned, I only can blame myself and thank to Allah as He always give the reminder to me. He lead me, He guide me. Well, there must be a reason for whatever happened and I am sure Allah has a better plan for me...I pray to Allah that He will keep guiding me...
Everyone make mistake, we are not perfect. But don't use that as an excuse to make mistake. We all should do our best. Allah is forgiven =)
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