It will takes a lot of efforts and sacrifices to do a transition. Once you have decided to do it, just do it...
My family and friends would be surprised if they know about my plan..but I am sure, they will be happy to know this.

I am....

- Miss FS
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- I am not pretty, I am not rich, I am not genius, I am not good, I am just fine...^-^
Mari mengira pelawat
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Who is the real traitor??
Serious??!! My uncles have been killed by your peoples and you called them traitors??? Well, I am sure Karl Marx would call you a traitor too!! Wait, did Karl Marx know you????
Saturday, November 19, 2011
'I am okay' =)
I lost confidence. I feel upset, disappointed but I hide all the feeling with my ugly smile. I like to talk, I like to share my story with peoples but not my problems. I am damn stubborn. I always say, I am doing good. I will do things by myself. I don't like to be a burden or trouble to anyone. I always say, I am happy like this, I am okay with this and that.....
But actually, I am not okay..
But actually, I am not okay..
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Siapa mahu gaduh dengan aku?
Aku selalu cakap aku tak suka gaduh dengan orang. So everytime pun kalau ada disagreement, aku akan diam, buat bodoh, atau mengalah. Actually, the main reason is, aku seorang yang darah gemuruh. Bila aku bergaduh dengan orang, jantung aku berdengup macam nak pecah, tangan aku menggigil, nafas aku tercungap. Insiden kat tempat kerja baru-baru ni buat aku terfikir..aku ada heart problem ke??
Ada seorang agent perempuan shelaka buat perangai setan dengan aku semalam. Aku beranikan diri membidas dia, tapi masa tu tangan aku menggigil-gigil sampai aku terpaksa sorokkan tangan aku bawah meja. Bukan sbb aku nk slap muka dia, tapi macam menggigil ketakutan. It's too obvious. Yeee, aku memang tak boleh bergaduh dengan sesiapa secara face to face (dalam sms boleh la..haha).
Ada seorang agent perempuan shelaka buat perangai setan dengan aku semalam. Aku beranikan diri membidas dia, tapi masa tu tangan aku menggigil-gigil sampai aku terpaksa sorokkan tangan aku bawah meja. Bukan sbb aku nk slap muka dia, tapi macam menggigil ketakutan. It's too obvious. Yeee, aku memang tak boleh bergaduh dengan sesiapa secara face to face (dalam sms boleh la..haha).
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