I am....

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am not pretty, I am not rich, I am not genius, I am not good, I am just fine...^-^

Mari mengira pelawat

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

weekend with excitement...

Last weekend, aku jalan-jalan ke Melaka with kak ila, beah and family..best!!! last minute plan. malam sabtu aku dapat call dari beah ajak ke melaka. hampeh betul! aku lintang pukang basuh baju kerja..

Kawan-kawan yang lain, jangan kecil hati kalau kami tak ajak. ni family beah punya trip, aku tak ada kuasa veto untuk menambah bilangan penumpang kereta. hehehe...next time kita buat reunion..okay, aku sebenarnya sangat penat dan tak daya nak update panjang-panjang...nanti aku cerita panjang lagi...and we have a lot of pic to share..huhu

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Milik siapakah 'KAPAL SELAM' itu???

Actually, I am damn tired today..I didn't plan to update my blog until I saw something that really catch my eyes in the toilet just now...

This morning, in the early morning...I sang "Suwa SUWEY good morning" why?? sebab pagi-pagi lagi aku dah dapat suwey dari seorang agent..I had rejected his client's loan application at 1st because the signature in the agreement form was differ from our record. He was so upset. He said his client already changed signature b4. Okay, cut short the story, eventually, I approved the loan case. (someone didn't update the signature in the system and I was the one who has to telan all the sumpah seranah from him such as" I give all of you F***"..tsk,tsk,stk...!! I was about to shout at him back " then I give u SHI*!!!" but as usual, I only can smile at him..deng!! Okay talking about shit, I have something to share...

I saw kapal selam in the toilet...this is not my 1st time I see kapal selam in the mangkuk jamban dalam rumah ini..get what I mean?? why I call it kapal selam? because it's similar to kapal selam..deep in water...Haaaa!!! benda itu la...I don't know the kapal selam belong to whom. but..pleaseeeee, flush la b4 you leave the toilet...you dont have to share the kapal selam with everyone...haishhhh!!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mari memasak

As usual, aku duduk kat rumah saja weekend macam ni. Aku memang lagi suka duduk kat rumah unless ada kawan yang mengajak aku keluar. Kalau aku yang nak ajak orang tu, memang payah la..hehe..so, hari ni tinggal aku dengan kak gee kat rumah. Dia demam. Aku pula buntu tak tahu nak masak apa untuk lunch. Aku selongkar fridge and dapat la idea..muehehehe...aku masak 'Bihun goreng tom yam'.

Aku bukan chef okay..but I think I can share my own recipe which I cook it based on my comman sense (dulu aku masak untuk adik-adik aku guna comman sense juga..alhamdulillah, sihat saja mereka semua)..haha..sedap tak sedap aku makan saja... =p

okay, ni ingredient nya...

**Bawang putih, bawang merah, serai(hiris halus), daun limau purut(hiris halus juga), cili padi**

**sawi, carrot, daun bawang(hiris halus)**

**aku guna chicken sausage sebab takde ayam or daging dalam fridge**

**ni bahan utama..hehehe..takde ni tak rasa la tom yam..aku bubuh seketul kiub saja**

***Additional ingredient : 1 sudu chili boh, 1 sudu oyster sauce, garam***

Okay, cara masak macam biasa la, tumis bawang, serai, cili padi, daun limau..then masuk cili boh and oyster sauce, tom yam kiub, garam...dah garing sikit, masuk air(sikit je)...then masuk sosej, sayur..last baru masuk bihun...kacau-kacau sesuka hati....pastu...siappp!!!

**memang messy, tapi kak gee kata sedap..huahuahua**

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grab your seats now!!!!

Huh!! I plan to visit  China this year and waiting for the Air Asia promotion. Since I subscribe newsletter  from Air Asia, I always get the latest news of their promotion. So, few days ago, I got an email from them and I was shocked.. WoooHooooo!! *O* (look at the pic)

I thought the all-in-fare ticket to Guangzhou only RM99!!!! So, I quickly call my adik to tell him about the super cheap promotion..and he spread the news to my aunt and cousins!! and he even went to make a passport on the next day. Hahahahaha..we were SOOOOO excited......then yesterday, I tried to book the ticket. Unfortunately, the price was different! Damn!! The super cheap ticket is for Bangkok trip (nate sungguh!) Nice trick Air Asia! Hohoho... T_T

So, I called my adik last nite to tell the sad news..but then we both laugh so hard! HAHAHAHA!!! since he already spread the news, we laugh harder..HAHAHAHA...cham people say "kelau khang tian". How naive I am to believe to the obvious tricky newsletter..my adik said, "you should know this earlier sis! I trust you" Hahaha..sorry dik.. =p

But, the plan is still on going...hehehe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Never goona be alone..

Huaargghh! penatnya hari ni..exhausted. Aku balik lewat tadi sebab ada short briefing tentang insuran after office hour (short ke kalau about 2hrs?) So, after briefing, aku cepat-cepat pergi solat asar sebab dah hampir maghrib... Keluar je dari surau, dah gelap pun langit. Selalunya kalau dah gelap, aku balik dengan teksi. Tapi hari ni aku memberanikan diri balik jalan kaki sebab nak jimat duit.

Sepanjang jalan tu, macam-macam suara lelaki-lelaki durjana yang menegur. Sebenarnya, aku sangat takut, jalan seorang diri dalam keadaan gelap. Bila aku sampai tempat sunyi, mulut aku dah laju baca pelbagai doa-doa harian. macam-macam aku fikir..kena rape la, kena rompak la, kena ragut la, kena culik la..haih!! Menyesal balik jalan kaki....

Sambil jalan tu, dalam keadaan ketakutan (seriously, it damn scary) aku sempat juga la termenung (ada ke jalan sambil termenung??), sebenarnya aku sudah penat jaga diri aku sendiri. 10 tahun aku tinggal kat KL, alone..independent.. Aku juga mahu dijaga..huahuahua... T_T

Tapi aku belum jumpa lelaki yang betul-betul ikhlas untuk menjaga aku. Aku belum jumpa lelaki yang betul-betul berusaha untuk memilki aku (cheewaaahh, puitis kan??) Mereka cuma sukakan aku, tapi tak usaha pun..(ada ke nak kahwin dengan aku, tapi awal-awal dah sebut nak buat loan dengan bank, hampeh betul!) lebih baik aku jaga diri sendiri dari kahwin dengan laki yang macam ni...gagagaga!!

p/s: tittle tu saja buat gempak..hehehe..becos i'm listenin' "never gonna be alone" by nickelback...hoho

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My little brothers..

For some reasons, I had to re-post this article in Malay..sikit la..

Aku rindu diorang sangat2..happynya (english pulak), dapat borak dengan diorang tadi..dan adikku yang kecik, Atim dah besar sekarang..hehe..suara dia dah berubah jadi garau..hahaha..b4 letak fon tadi, dia cakap "kaklong, topup RM3" Haih!!.

Aku tak pernah tunjuk yang aku sayang diorang..aku tak pernah cakap "kaklong sayang korang" jugak..sebab aku kaklong kot..hehe..

Aku ingat lagi, masa mula2 aku terpaksa pindah ke hostel, aku menangis teruk tiap2 malam..bukan sebab aku rindu kat makayah aku, tapi aku rindu sangat2 kat adik-adikku..kitaorang memang rapat sangat2..Aku dah biasa duduk jauh dengan makayah sebab kerja diorang banyak merantau...so, kitaorang sama2 jaga sesama sendiri...masa umur aku 16 tahun, aku dah kena jaga 7 orang adik dan bangun malam2 buat susu untuk adik bongsu aku..masa tu umur dia baru setahun, mak aku terpaksa pindah ke terengganu atas urussan kerja..hmmm, fikir je kat diorang, buat aku lagi rindu...

ada sekali tu, mak aku mengamuk and pukul Apih..kesian aku tengok Apih kena pukul, sebak gile..bila mak blah, aku cepat2 tarik Apih masuk bilik aku, bukak baju dia..lagi sedih aku sebab ada kesan lebam..aku ambil minyak panas then sapu kat badan dia sambil nangis.. ;'(

Diaorang semua dah besar sekarang..cepatnya masa berlalu..diaorang pun dah banyak berubah..tapi bagi aku, mereka tetap adik2 kecilku..hehehe.....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another test from Him...

Sudah 2 hari aku sakit kepala yang amat-amat teruk. Ubat yang doctor bagi tinggal sebiji sahaja. Dan kepala aku bertambah sakit bila mendengar cerita yang sangat-sangat menyakitkan dari rumah..Dugaan betul. The kid, he had no idea how much we love him.. Ya Allah, please save him..

senyum, tak perlu kata apa-apa...

Never underestimate the pain of a person, because in all honesty, everyone is struggling. Some people are better at hiding it than others.
Aku senyum, senyum sampai telinga..orang-orang kat tempat kerja cakap.."you look so sweet, always smile" hmmm, dah memang kerja aku untuk senyum kat semua orang...tapi aku ni manusia, ada perasaan marah, geram, sedih macam orang lain juga..bila aku marah, aku lebih suka menyendiri dan diam..tapi ada orang fikir aku ni hati kering dan kepala batu dengan tindakan aku...ada orang cakap susah nak faham aku...kenapa?? sorry la, I'm not a person who like to pung pang pung pang bila marah..dan jangan fikir bila aku sentiasa senyum, maka aku sentiasa gembira...

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I notice the visitors are increasing day by day...it makes me a bit uneasy..I hope most of the visitors are my girl friends but a few strangers are welcome too. Well, I don't expect boy/guy friends (especially my ex-schoolmate /officemate) to be here unless I personally invite them. Yes, I create this blog because I need some private space to share my random thought..I am afraid that I will lose all the privacy like FB....sorry sorry sorry...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Aku nak makan apa?

Seumur hidup aku sepanjang 28 tahun ni, tak pernah pula aku ada allergic makanan. Sekarang doktor sudah mengisytiharkan bahawa aku allergic makanan. Dia suruh aku berhati-hati, but she didn't tell me what I can't eat..damn! Minggu ni semua benda yang aku makan dah menunjukkan tanda negative. telur, ikan, daging, sayur.. Then, aku nak makan apa??? Satu badan aku naik bintik merah. Satu badan aku gatal. tension!! bibir aku pun tengah bengkak sekarang..I feel like Angelina Jolie..hmmm... It's make me scare to eat... =( 
Huwaaa!!! Adakah ini tanda-tanda penuaan?? 

Macam bibir alien kan? =(

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Semalam aku tengok movie dengan my brothers and my sis-in law a.k.a mekna..hehehe...aku dengan murah hati belanja mereka semua sebab aku seronok boleh jumpa adik-adikku..it's hard to be a good sister dowh =p

Okay, talk about the movie.. I watched X-Men 1st class..truly speaking, this x-men is not so good compare to other x-men series (actually it is better than' x-men the last stand' because they killed professor x ..T_T)...but I still like it!!..I am a die hard fan of x-men.. when I was a kid, I feel like the world sudah berakhir if I miss to watch x-men (cartoon) which was on Thursday at 7pm... I love Rouge. I really like the white highlighted color on her hair...( Oh, now I know why I have 3 urat white hair kat depan ni..exactly sama macam Roque!!!) All my brothers also have their own favorite character.. My bro, Fauzi - Cyclops, Fahmi - Gambit, Fikri - Storm and Apih - Beast (actually I chose beast for him since he was too little and didn't know anything about x-men, but I still want Apih to get into the x-men wanna be team..HAHAHAHA!!)

Well for x-men lovers, go and watch it!! Recommended!! At least you will know the beginning of the Mutant school (I always want to go to the school too!)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Never argue with your boss especially when your boss shoot u with M16

I am damn tired today..but I have something to share.....

This morning, I was called by my boss to her room. There were some issues that she want to clarify with me.. Last two month, I made mistake in which I gave a wrong form to a customer. I was suppose to give a 'lost policy' form, but I gave her a 'lost cheque' form. Again..my weakness, a super clumsy makcik!! huhu..Okay, to cut short the story, this matter become a big issue when my boss heard about it from the Quality Assurance Officer. (giving a wrong form is a serious matter because it involve with the customer's financial)
So, this morning, I started my day at work in my boss's room together with my team leader, the QA officer and one of my co-worker (she also need to explain something to my boss)

So the conversation start with me...bla, bla, bla...

My boss stared at me with her M16 and pung pang pung pang she shoot me..non-stop.. T_T.... (you are free to imagine the situation)..I tried to defend myself with M16 too, but end up with 'Lastik' only ..tsk,tsk,tsk...then, when I have chance to use M16, she shoot me with AK-47...grrr!!!

So, I gave up to defend myself...never never argue with your boss...but what's the point she want to hear explanation from me if whatever I said is wrong to her..hmmm.. Okay, I admit...that was my mistake...but the most silly mistake is when she told me one of our customer complaint about me on the issue of language. The customer complaint about me just because I speak Bahasa with him..OH MY GOD!!!!! It sounds like a small matter, but my boss said, she can't accept that kind of complaint. It's very embarrassing and ruin the image of our company... Okay, fine..Boss and customer are always right!! I am super sorry...

Well, I always start the conversation with customers and agents in English...but sometimes I switch into Bahasa in the middle of the conversation...why?? Because I am more comfortable to explain in Bahasa..but I never expect the customer will complaint about this kind of thing...to the customer, if you hate Bahasa, don't live in Malaysia lah!! Go somewhere else!! I am not a Malay, but I still like Bahasa even though Bahasa is not my mother-tongue...

So, before the 'discussion' end, my boss want me to give some comments, and before I open my mouth, she said "In English, please" OH MY GOD!!! sound trouble ke??? I use English for the whole discussion...so sarcastic!! but I feel pity to my team leader..she tried her best to defend me and my co-worker..

Hmmm, whatever it is, I have done the mistake but that won't let me down..because this afternoon, an agent gave a very good compliment about me to my team leader. He satisfied with my services....puas hati aku...it would be nicer if my boss hear it!!!